You, my friend, were probably aware that it's March. I, on the other hand, am still reeling.
Where in the hell did time go? I know February is a short month, but we even had an extra day this year! I'm for real deal flabbergasted at how quickly February went. So much life happened in addition to the everyday life the usually occurs, too!
Where in the hell did time go? I know February is a short month, but we even had an extra day this year! I'm for real deal flabbergasted at how quickly February went. So much life happened in addition to the everyday life the usually occurs, too!
For now, while I reel and recover from the pace of time, something for my DIY crew!
No-Sew Woven-Edge Fleece Blanket
I impulse purchased a no sew fleece blanket kit.
Now, when I say "impulse," I mean as impulsive as it gets. My friend and I walked into JoAnn's specifically looking to see if they had any plain baseball caps that we could decorate for some costumes we needed. There weren't any hats, but as we walked through the store there was a bin of these fleece blanket kits 50% off and as I was buzzing by, my eyes were caught by the pattern of one kit - CACTI. I'm a big ol' sucker for adorable cacti and succulents. - it's a real problem - and without any thought, the blanket kit was in my hands and I wasn't about to let it go... smh.
Now, I'm sure many (if not all) of you have a no-sew fleece blanket, have made one, or have at least seen someone else's. They are super comfy, popular, and easy to make - if you have the patience to cut all the fringe pieces.Now, when I say "impulse," I mean as impulsive as it gets. My friend and I walked into JoAnn's specifically looking to see if they had any plain baseball caps that we could decorate for some costumes we needed. There weren't any hats, but as we walked through the store there was a bin of these fleece blanket kits 50% off and as I was buzzing by, my eyes were caught by the pattern of one kit - CACTI. I'm a big ol' sucker for adorable cacti and succulents. - it's a real problem - and without any thought, the blanket kit was in my hands and I wasn't about to let it go... smh.
This was a 48" x 60" fleece throw kit. Though I know a throw blanket isn't supposed to be very big, I have always been a little irked about how the knotted fringe edging of most no-sew fleece blankets effectively reduces the blanket size by about third (depending on the length of the fringe, obviously). A 48" x 60" blanket is small enough as it is, in my book.
So I used a different edging method - a woven edge.
See the How To for this blanket after the jump!
What You'll Need
- 2 pieces of fleece fabric cut to the same size
- Commonly, one piece is a solid and one is a pattern, but you do you, man! Be creative!
- Sharp scissors (or a rotary cutter and a ruled cutting mat)
- Ruler or yard stick (or a ruled cutting mat)
- A paper clip
How To
- Trim any selvage off the fabric pieces and make sure they are the same dimensions. Selvage is the tightly woven edge of a fabric that keeps it from unraveling. Sometimes it has text printed on it and on fleece it's stiffer than the rest of the fabric.
- Layer the two pieces of fleece, one on top of the other. If you're using a printed fleece and there is a right side or a side you prefer, make sure that side is facing out (i.e. make sure the right side is not facing the other fabric).
- Cut out a 1.5" square from each corner of the blanket. Be sure to cut through both layers.
- Cut 1.5" deep, 1" wide fringe pieces along each edge. Again, be sure to cut through both layers as you cut each fringe piece.
- Take each fringe piece set (both layers), fold it a little bit further than halfway, and cut a small slit through both layers. See image below. Cut a slit in every two-layer fringe set.
- Bend your paper clip so that you have a J-shaped hook. I used the larger hook side of the paper clip for the next steps, but I didn't undo the small hook because there was no need to straighten it.
- "Thread" your paper clip through the slit on one top-layer fringe piece and then thread the large hook end of the paper clip through the bottom-layer fringe to "hook" it. See diagram below.
- Pull the hooked bottom-layer fringe through the top-fringe's slit. See diagram below.
- Now, your paper clip hook should be threaded through the bottom-layer fringe's slit (and the bottom fringe should be threaded through the top fringe's slit). Next, hook the next top-layer fringe with the paper clip and pull it through the slit of fringe your hook is threaded through.
- Repeat this pattern of "hook next fringe, pull through slit, hook next fringe, pull through slit" all the way around the blanket. Be sure to always alternate between top layer fringe and bottom layer fringe. See the photo below. Because I am right-handed, I worked my way around the blanket, from right to left. When you get to the corners, just keep doing what you're doing. The edging will curve around the corner on its own.
- When you get to the last fringe, remove your paper clip hook and cut the fringe in half, following your slit.
- Thread one skinny fringe piece through the established weave next to it and then tie the two skinny fringe pieces together in a double knot. If you have enough fringe length for a triple knot or another strong type of knot, go for it! This will be the only knot in the whole blanket.

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